Saturday, July 18, 2009


We've been waiting for Lillian's next appointment. She had seen the Pediatric Surgeon and had a CT scan, but they wanted to refer her to a Neurosurgeon since they think she has Spina Bifida. We finally got a call on Wednesday that before we could have an appointment with the Neurosurgeon they wanted her to have an MRI. So Thursday we went to the clinic to have the MRI done. Well, if any of you know about MRIs, you know that you have to lay still in order for it to work. You also know that it makes a VERY loud noise. So as you can imagine, Lillian didn't even come close to not moving. She was doing regular happy baby moves until it started, and then freaked out screaming once it actually started making noise. (You'd think the Drs would have been able to foresee this since she's only 5 months old.) So now we're waiting for them to call us back on Monday or Tuesday to set up another MRI, this time with her sedated. Most likely they will need to do surgery, which will probably happen after Todd is deployed. But we'll wait to hear from the Dr.s to see exactly what they want to do. Hopefully we'll know soon. I feel bad because it seems like she's the one who's ended up with all of the medical problems. (She also has a heart murmur from a bi-cuspid valve --the same thing I have; but all of the other kids seem fine.)
Todd has given her blessings and feels that she will be ok, but still, it's not a fun position to be in.
She's such a cutie and is so happy and loving. All of her siblings absolutely adore her. We're so grateful that she's part of our family. We ask that your prayers be with her.

1 comment:

Frisbies Forever said...

That is just crazy! I hope they find out soon!